2 Cinnamon Rolls a Day…

I have a new confectionery addiction: homemade cinnamon rolls.


I’ve made the Pioneer Woman’s cinnamon roll recipe several times now.  It makes 45-50 rolls per batch.  Somehow, my family and I have plowed through dozens of cinnamon rolls since Christmas.  And I think I ate most of them.  How did that happen? They are just so stinking good, especially when I remember all of the ingredients (I was so caught up in the active yeast rising process that I forgot the leavening agents my first go-round, but was able to salvage them).  Most cinnamon rolls don’t have enough icing and develop a hard exterior.  These are swimming in icing.  They’re moist and spongy and perfect.  Every bite is like that coveted bite in the center of your regular old cinnamon roll.

In the last few weeks, my addiction has really taken an alarming turn and I’ve found myself having two cinnamon rolls a day for an unmentionable number of days in a row.  But hey, two cinnamon rolls a day keeps the doctor away, no?


Two cinnamon rolls a day keeps the doctor employed?

Well, I’ve been working out more (successfully) in recent weeks, too, so I’m sure it kind of cancels out.  Kind of.  I am happy to report that I’ve found a new class that’s slightly less lethal than circuit blast called “sculpt.” The only part that made my arms feel like straws was the diamond push-up sequence after 45 sets of arm weight exercises.  Other than that, the group exercise approach has been going well.

Last week, however, I suffered a minor setback in the midst of a cinnamon roll binge.  I pulled my groin putting on my yoga pants to go to sculpt. For real. I’m not sure if this is a reflection of my flexibility, coordination, physical fitness level, or an indication that my pants are too tight.  Maybe all of the above? Maybe a sign from God to lay off the cinnamon rolls?

I just went to hot yoga and feel like I’ve been wrung out like a sponge.  In a really good way.

I think I’ll have a cinnamon roll since I’m already wearing my yoga pants.

Y’all come back,


Circuit Blast is Not a Blast

I joined the local YMCA a few months back and have been lightly salting my schedule with yoga classes.  The classes have ranged in level of difficulty, but none was more than I can handle.

Last evening, I decided to add a “circuit blast” class to my rigorous exercise routine as it promised an hour of cardio, weight-lifting, and “limited to no choreography.”  Perfect.  The last bit of the description really sealed the deal.  To understand why, please visit my “about me” page.   I got to the gym a little bit early so I hopped on the treadmill for 5 minutes at a fairly good clip to get my heart-rate up since all this bone-chilling weather makes me want to do is swaddle myself in blankets on the sofa. I was feeling nice and warm when it was time for the class to start.  I got my mat, my step, and my 3 sets of weights all set up.  I was ready to kill it.  There were people my age and people twice my age in the class so I imagined I would at least fall somewhere in the middle of the pack in terms of fitness.

Well, we started off with a lot of cardio that required more coordination than I could muster.  But that was ok; I flailed my way through it.  After all, I wasn’t trying out for a dance competition.  Clearly.  About 15 minutes in, I had about reached my limit of kicking, punching, jumping, hopping on one foot and balancing at the same time.   Then we started with the weights.

I started to feel faint.  My ears were ringing, my face was hot but my sweat felt cold.

I plowed through 478 squats with weights.  My yoga breathing really helped with this.  I was audibly huffing and puffing.  Too bad my breathing skills don’t help with coordination.

Towards the end of the class, I had to do every other exercise so I didn’t pass out.  It was a serious concern.  Every lunge-jump from the floor to the step while swinging weights over my head was a struggle.  It seemed my two poached eggs on toast that I had for lunch had ditched me hours ago and I was running on fumes and electrolyte and fluoride-infused water that I had purchased just before class.

With 10 minutes left in the class, I was genuinely concerned that I might lose consciousness.  I put away my torture equipment and headed to the locker room to collect myself and splash water on my face.  I looked as white as a ghost.  Time to call it a day.  I walked over to the stairs and as I started down the first step my leg almost gave out.  I clutched the railing to save any dignity that wasn’t left behind in my class.  Each step was a near-death-experience.  I somehow managed to get to the bottom of the stairs using mostly my arms and feeling like Gumby.

As I got to the car, I was fiercely craving salt.  I guess I hadn’t realized how hungry I was.  Continuing my healthy choices for the day, I came home and ate some cheddar and sour cream Ruffles potato chips and felt markedly better.  And my legs were sore already.

This is not good.

I’m afraid to go back.

But I need to face my fears.

I just need a few more handfuls of chips first.

Y’all stay active,


Risky Run

I headed out for a run today around 5:00PM, knowing that there was a slight chance of storms after 6:00PM.  Considering I despise long-distance running, I concluded that I would have PLENTY of time to make it back before any … Continue reading

Very Inspiring Blogger Award II

A gigantic thank you to the Meandering Matriarch for nominating me for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award.  I always enjoy your blog and I am so flattered that you frequent mine!

In accepting this award, it is my pleasure to complete the following:

  1. Link back to the blogger who nominated me.
  2. Post the blog award image on my page.
  3. Tell 7 facts about myself.
  4. Nominate 15 other blogs and let the nominees know they been chosen.

7 Things About Me:

  1. I love regional sayings.   One of my new favorites is “a hitch in your giddy-up.”
  2. I collect aprons.  I try to buy one whenever I travel to a new place as a memento.
  3. It’s on my bucket list to see the Northern Lights.
  4. I don’t like to exercise.  I like to have exercised.
  5. My favorite magazine is Real Simple.  The older I get, the more I like to keep it real and simplify my life.
  6. I love cars and have since I was a little girl.  I even collected diecast models in 1/24th and 1/18th scales for several years.
  7. I’m almost always hungry.

To my nominees:  thank you for inspiring me with your stories of all varieties.  You teach me new things, you make me laugh, and you help me to get more out of my day.

  1. http://whyilovewesttexas.com/
  2. http://samanthajuneblog.wordpress.com/
  3. http://littleblogontheprairie.com/
  4. http://workhomebalance.wordpress.com/
  5. http://wherethegreengrassgrows.org/
  6. http://hgriffin.wordpress.com/
  7. http://diaryofacookiecutter.wordpress.com/
  8. http://piewithsparkles.com/
  9. http://healthyeatsandsweets.wordpress.com/
  10. http://sweetspellbaking.wordpress.com/
  11. http://forkmeetspoon.wordpress.com/
  12. http://outtakesontheoutskirts.wordpress.com/
  13. http://awhiskandaspoon.com/
  14. http://mrspenpen.wordpress.com/
  15. http://gingymakesstuff.wordpress.com/

Y’all come back now, ya hear?



Lord, I was born a rambling (wo)man. 

I tend to ramble.  Not so much in my speech or in my travels, but in my mind.  Here’s what’s gone through my head in the last few minutes:

1)      My pinky finger hurts. (Also known as a “finky” in Eugene language.)

 I gave myself a doozy of a paper cut today as I was trying to steadfastly recycle all of my paper, cardboard, bottles and cans.  A thin piece of cardboard had it out for me.   It drew blood.  A lot of blood for a paper cut.  I didn’t have anything to clean my cut with so I poured some hand sanitizer over it.  BOY that did the trick.  I had to squeeze my steering wheel with all my might to keep from yelling.  Thankfully, car inspection lady who also works at the waste management center was not there this time to witness it. 

2)      I’m hungry.

I was perusing some food blogs today and came across a game-changing recipe that had to do with French fries, parmesan cheese and some sort of chipotle lime dip.  It sounded outrageously delicious.  I was planning on going for a brisk walk at the time and was seriously tempted to ditch those plans in favor of making the fries, but I held it together and stuck to my exercise plan.

That, and I didn’t have any potatoes.

I’m so disciplined.

3)      I love accents.

Having lived in Boston for 13 years, I had a lot of exposure to extreme Boston accents, though I never had one myself.  I don’t know what comes over me, but every now and then I think of words in a Boston accent.  Kind of like when you learn a second language and think of words in that language, except not exactly.  Anyway, I grabbed my loofah in the shower this evening and cracked myself up thinking of how this would be called a “loofer” in a Boston accent.

I’m weird.

4)      I need to replace my watch battery.

My watch battery is nearly dead.  Not completely dead, because the time does change, just at a fraction of real time.  My watch currently reads 2:37PM and indicates that it’s the 5th of the month.   I know I’m on slow time here in Nashville, but not that slow. 

Despite my watch being temporarily useless, I continue to wear it as a reminder to go get the battery replaced.  I have continued to forget to get the battery replaced for the past week now.  And I also continue to forget that my watch is not functioning properly and consequently find myself staring at my wrist confused most of the day.

I think I need my memory replaced as well.

5)      The sunsets here are so pretty.


I never tire of watching (and photographing) the sunset.  


It makes me realize that I should stop thinking so much.

Don’t pay me no mind,


The Sunshine Award: Take II

A big ol’ thank you to Rachel at Being Mrs. Crashaw for nominating me for The Sunshine Award!  Learning that someone enjoys my blog never ceases to delight me.  Thank you, thank you!

In accepting this award, it is my pleasure to complete the following:

  1. Blog a post linking back to the person/blog that nominated me.
  2. Answer some questions, nominate ten fellow bloggers and link their blogs to the post.
  3. Comment on my nominees’ blogs to let them know I’ve nominated them.

Some particular thing about me:

  1.  Who is your favorite philosopher?  My cat Gus.  He is so wise.  Just kidding. He is not exactly a philosopher, but I am drawn to Wendell Berry’s philosophy about the power of nature and our responsibility to take care of it and learn from it always.
  2. What is your favorite number?  22.  It has always been a lucky number for me and it was my number in field hockey and lacrosse throughout high school.
  3. What is your favorite animal?  This is a toughy.  Almost any baby animal melts my heart.  Except rodents.
  4. What are your Facebook and Twitter URLs?  http://www.facebook.com/#!/TheSugarlump  @thesugarlumpgrl
  5. What is your favorite time of day?  The morning if I have a lot to do and the evening if I’ve gotten a lot done.  But if I really must choose, I suppose I would say I love sitting on a porch and watching the sunset in the evening.
  6. What was your favorite vacation? Probably a trip to London I took with my mom in middle school.  It was my first time in Europe and I was very interested in seeing all of the architecture.  We had a great time going to all of the castles during the day and taking in some fabulous musicals at night.
  7. What is your favorite physical activity?  Rearranging my furniture.  Really.
  8. What is your favorite non-alcoholic drink?  Milk.  Although I no longer drink it out of a sippy cup, it has always been my go-to beverage.
  9. What is your favorite flower?  I love the smell of hyacinths, but I always have hydrangeas in my house that I cut from my garden.
  10. What is your passion?  Creating.  I love to design and build things.   It all started when I arranged my little plastic chairs in the form of a minivan at age 4.

And now, some very sunny?…shiny?…sunshiney? (you know what I mean) blogs that I would like to nominate for The Sunshine Award:

  1. http://kansaslovebird.com/
  2. http://themuddykitchen.com/
  3. http://fivenorthernacres.wordpress.com/
  4. http://sweetlittlethang.wordpress.com/about/
  5. http://areturntosimplicity.wordpress.com/
  6. http://catsnco.wordpress.com/
  7. http://littlewifeontheprairie.wordpress.com/
  8. http://petit4chocolatier.wordpress.com/
  9. http://angela426.wordpress.com/
  10. http://theworldthroughoureyes.com/

Please complete the first list above to accept this award.  Happy blogging, nominees!

Y’all come back!


Cottage Cheese

Although I try to post (almost) everyday, sometimes I just can’t pull it all together.  And I subscribe to the rule, “If you can’t blog something nice/interesting, then don’t blog nothin’ at all.”   Yesterday, all that came to mind was “tired. need sleep.” so I decided to cut my losses and go to bed.

Today, however, I have some news to report: turns out cottage cheese is not half-bad.

In my desperation to find something quick for dinner at the grocery store last evening, I happened upon cottage cheese as I was passing between the eggs and the sour cream (two things I really like). Now, I’ve had some brief experiences with cottage cheese in the past, but we never got along that well.  I decided it was finally time to give it another chance.

After I got home from the grocery store, I prepared a robust and balanced meal of cottage cheese and steamed broccoli.

(It could have been worse.   At least there was some nutritional value.)

Anyway, I actually kind of liked the cottage cheese and I ate it again this evening.   I might even eat it again tomorrow and the next day.

After that, I will probably be tired of it and not eat it again for a few years.

That’s just the way I am with food.  I become obsessed with things and then I can’t stand the thought of them for a while.

I think I need to review my self-imposed blogging rules.

Let me try again:

Hey there,

Welcome to Tuesday’s post.

I saw a lovely sunset the other night on my walk/run.  Ralk? Wun? Trot?

I’ll work on that some more.

And one more random story for the road:

I did some laundry yesterday and I have yet to fold it.  Miss Scarlett thought these sheets and towels made a perfect nest on top of her favorite chair.


I’ll do better tomorrow.  I promise.

Y’all come back,


Stop and Stare at the Clouds

On my run/walk/mostly walk this evening, I encountered some wild clouds. Shocking, I know. I had someone tell me recently that she now thinks of me every time she sees weird clouds. I was honored. I am officially a cloud lady. But … Continue reading