Knock Knock…

During the ice age we experienced recently, there was a woodpecker that kept trying to peck through the exterior wall of my office.  I don’t really blame him except for the fact that he made it very hard for me and Gus and Scarlett to concentrate.  Me on my work and Gus and Scarlett on their naps.

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Barney Fife and Andy Griffith had narrowed in on this situation, springing into action from their deep slumber on the sofa in a matter of seconds.


Scarlett tried to stare a hole through the wall.  Gus got distracted by a woman walking her dog.


Scarlett assumed the position as the suspect’s knocking intensified.


Scarlett decided she needed a better angle.


Although this looks like a tender moment, Gus was not pleased that Scarlett infringed on his personal space.


Gus shared his feelings and Scarlett quickly made him regret it.


“Are you calling me fat???!!”


Tensions subsided as the two were quickly reminded of the task at hand.  Mr. Pecker had resumed his knocking.

All in a day’s work.

Y’all come back,


Miss Thang

This cat is something else. 

I point the camera at her and tell her to “Say ‘Cheeeeeese’” and this is what I get from Scarlett.


I say “Smile, little muffin-pants!” and this is what I get.

Maybe she thought I was calling her fat?  I said muffin-pants, not muffin-top.  There’s a big difference.


“Fat?… I’m just furry..…in all the wrong places.”


Gus walks by and cuts the tension with his tail.


“Is that a bowl of unattended salmon?”

This is her best angle.  Please notice that it is a headshot only.


“I wonder if I could reach that bug on the ceiling….”

Fat chance.

“Oh, hi. I wasn’t plotting anything mischievous; I swear,” (whiskers crossed).


“Are you calling me a liar? First I’m fat and now I’m a liar?…. Oh no you diiii-in’t.”

She’s about to go all Jerry Springer on me.

Y’all come back,
