The Garden: Progress Report #5

I was back in Kentucky this weekend and though it was a quick trip, Papa, Eugene and I made it around to the garden for a progress check.  There had been some rain, but, as usual, we could always use some more rain.

Please do a rain dance for me.  It worked last time.

I’m serious.

The pole beans are really starting to take off and some have begun climbing the poles.

Some of the plants were dangling around aimlessly so I wrapped them around the poles to train them to climb.

This big guy was well on his way up the pole.

But this one is by far the most advanced.

I’m afraid my brussel sprouts could use some help…

…though I’m not sure what kind of help.

Please help.

These are zucchini plants.  I’m not sure if I like zucchini.  We shall see.

Here’s Eugenice checkin’ on the horses.

She’s so interested in the garden.


Haaaaawt peppers.  When these Cayenne peppers turn red, you can light yourself on fire if you mince them up on your beans.

I would recommend having a large glass of milk on standby.

It’s totally worth it though.  These peppers are delicious.

And extremely hot.

But delicious.




This is how my mind works when I eat these hot peppers because it seems the only way to handle the heat is to eat more of it and chase each bite with milk. You can imagine that these dining experiences leave me quite full.

Jalapenos!  I love these chopped up in guacamole.  And on beans and corn.

They bring excitement to my plate.

The first bean of the season! This is a Roma.

What’s that down in there….?

The first ripe tomato of the season.  I wish I liked tomatoes.   What a shame.

Baby cucumber.  That’s Papa’s hand, not mine.  Just thought I’d clarify that I don’t have big manly hands.

Here Papa and I are trying to recall all of the types of beans in the garden.  Papa is thinking he might add some Missouri Wonders in the vacant spot where the crazy onions were.  That will make seven varieties of beans.

It will be a few weeks before I see the garden again and I’m hoping in that time there will be a big growth spurt for the garden…and for me.

Y’all hurry back,


8 thoughts on “The Garden: Progress Report #5

  1. I love, love, LOVE tomatoes!!! But the hot peppers . . . uhm . . . not so much. Hubby adores them, though! We don’t have any ripe yet, too cool here still. I miss Kentucky and Tennessee. *sigh*

  2. Love the pictures, great to see the landscape & the garden is so nice & neat! I love tomatoes, cucumbers & hot peppers!!

  3. Pingback: Papa | The Sugarlump

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