The Sunshine Award: Take II

A big ol’ thank you to Rachel at Being Mrs. Crashaw for nominating me for The Sunshine Award!  Learning that someone enjoys my blog never ceases to delight me.  Thank you, thank you!

In accepting this award, it is my pleasure to complete the following:

  1. Blog a post linking back to the person/blog that nominated me.
  2. Answer some questions, nominate ten fellow bloggers and link their blogs to the post.
  3. Comment on my nominees’ blogs to let them know I’ve nominated them.

Some particular thing about me:

  1.  Who is your favorite philosopher?  My cat Gus.  He is so wise.  Just kidding. He is not exactly a philosopher, but I am drawn to Wendell Berry’s philosophy about the power of nature and our responsibility to take care of it and learn from it always.
  2. What is your favorite number?  22.  It has always been a lucky number for me and it was my number in field hockey and lacrosse throughout high school.
  3. What is your favorite animal?  This is a toughy.  Almost any baby animal melts my heart.  Except rodents.
  4. What are your Facebook and Twitter URLs?!/TheSugarlump  @thesugarlumpgrl
  5. What is your favorite time of day?  The morning if I have a lot to do and the evening if I’ve gotten a lot done.  But if I really must choose, I suppose I would say I love sitting on a porch and watching the sunset in the evening.
  6. What was your favorite vacation? Probably a trip to London I took with my mom in middle school.  It was my first time in Europe and I was very interested in seeing all of the architecture.  We had a great time going to all of the castles during the day and taking in some fabulous musicals at night.
  7. What is your favorite physical activity?  Rearranging my furniture.  Really.
  8. What is your favorite non-alcoholic drink?  Milk.  Although I no longer drink it out of a sippy cup, it has always been my go-to beverage.
  9. What is your favorite flower?  I love the smell of hyacinths, but I always have hydrangeas in my house that I cut from my garden.
  10. What is your passion?  Creating.  I love to design and build things.   It all started when I arranged my little plastic chairs in the form of a minivan at age 4.

And now, some very sunny?…shiny?…sunshiney? (you know what I mean) blogs that I would like to nominate for The Sunshine Award:


Please complete the first list above to accept this award.  Happy blogging, nominees!

Y’all come back!


12 thoughts on “The Sunshine Award: Take II

  1. Congratulations for all the sunshine you bring to all the bloggers; including me. I truly enjoy your blog and your award is well deserved!

    Thank you for your wonderful recommendation. I appreciate it!


  2. Pingback: ‘One Lovely Blog Award’ | Manu Kurup

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